
So what's going on here?

Well "Steve's Place" is officially closed. I won't be updating these pages any longer (it's been over a year now, anyway). The following pages will remain for the foreseeable future because some of them still get hits. They also reflect my earliest attempts and experiments at page design.

I have packed up and moved my "web presence" to I am designing the site using GoLive and Photshop. I will introduce Flash interfaces as I get up to speed on using and designing in Flash.

Why not

When I went on my URL quest, was already taken. So if naughty nurses float your boat, go knock yourself out. My new site is at Remember that's! (Oops, radio copy flashback.)

Enjoy the site as is...


Steve's Place© 1997 - 2001, HTML & Most Graphics by Steve Stanger. All Rights Reserved.
Steve's Place made it's home at Monmouth Internet.

Steve's Place came together on a PowerPC Mac. Original HTML was created using World Wide Web Weaver. Web site rebuild was done in Claris Home Page 3.0. Graphics created in Adobe Photoshop.

Strange Stange Productions - Final update 1/8/01
Strange Stang Productions
Your lucky number!

Made With Mac